Coming Soon: The Vagabond Life Coach

G'day Fam,


Long time no writey. Well, in fairness to me, I have been writing, just nothing shareable- until right now.

I attempted to write a blog update last Sunday, but as I was severely homesick for Australian life- non-existent mass shootings, affordable health insurance, realistic living wages, and locally owned mom-and-pop cafes with gourmet coffee in every neighborhood- the update felt and sounded like an absolute downer. While my feelings are valid and expressing them is healthy, it didn't feel good to spread multiple paragraphs of the doom & gloom I was working through.


I also spent last weekend staying up into the wee hours rewriting the content for my upcoming business website. I had already committed to a business name and domain, wrote all the content to support that name, then had a last-minute hit of inspiration- after the designer had begun building out my site. Thankfully, my intuitive hit came just in the nick of time, as they usually do, but it meant I had to act fast. It also meant practicing being vulnerable, speaking up, pushing back against the old "don't cause a fuss" programming that underpins a lot of how I function and following the path that lights me up inside, even if it doesn't all make sense (yet). 


So, in the next month or two, these writings will migrate over to my new website- The Vagabond Life Coach!


For me, roaming the world like a vagabond keeps me anchored in my adult chair more than anything else. That's when I'm my most open-minded, patient, and compassionate. I'm more likely to meet triggers with curiosity rather than judgment. If something doesn't go my way, I allow myself to feel disappointment but let go of expectations and attachments faster than when I'm not in travel mode. It's easier to view unexpected roadblocks as a detour to greater love, magic, and blessings. I feel at home in my body and at one with the earth, my fellow humans, and the boundless energy that connects us all. 


No wonder I became obsessed with traveling. Who wouldn't want to live from that energy all the time?!


Over the last fifteen years of wandering the globe, I've noticed a pattern. It goes like this-  I try to set roots down after a long journey, be the "responsible" adult, get a "normal" job, lose touch with that vagabond mindset, feel like I'm living someone else's life, die a little on the inside and eventually take off again because whatever it is I'm doing doesn't feel right... and exploring new places always feels right. Some people travel to run from themselves, and I can confidently say that I've never traveled to run away. In hindsight, however, maybe I was running to something- a better version of myself.


Like most humans, I am a walking contradiction in more ways than one. Most notably, I have a gripping desire to have roots, own my own space and meander the world as I see fit. Although not the easiest conundrum to work out, especially without a celebrity budget, it's entirely possible, especially in this day and age. I believe my 15-year pattern formed because I used to tell myself it wasn't possible to do both and be both. I wasn't educated enough to create a life like that. I wasn't tough enough to earn the freedom and finances needed to do both. I wasn't brilliant enough to be both grounded and have wings. I would always have to choose one or the other, a simple life at home or a student of the world. 


That same old tape started to play as I developed my newly inspired business content and envisioned my dream life moving forward- coaching people remotely and building a business I don't have to put on hold when I travel. Thankfully, being a part of this coaching program gave me the tools I needed to right myself as I sank into the gloop of what I "should" do. I realized that to teach and guide others on how to live from their healthiest adult selves, I have to connect with mine as much as possible—starting with working my wanderlust ways into this new passion of mine. After all, I found The Adult Chair because of my propensity to sell off my belongings and pack my bags.


I have no clue where this will lead, but I'm open to all of it. Ironically, that was the exact same thing I told myself when I chose to move Down Under almost five years ago. And here we are, full circle with a new, empowering, and probably life-changing, adventure. Don't panic, though. You don't have to move across the world for an unknowingly toxic relationship to find your healthiest adult self. I'll be here to support you exactly where you are. Whether we realize it or not, we're all constantly moving through parts unknown, and we just trick ourselves into thinking nothing is new because our daily backdrops are familiar. Even if your external landscapes don't change often, there's much to see and explore of our internal worlds. So even if you don't have perpetually itchy feet as I do, you're already more of a vagabond than you'll ever know.

Watch this space for updates and invitations to join me at my new authentic home, The Vagabond Life Coach. 

Love always,



P.S. If you'd like to be a part of this new adventure of mine, you're welcome to volunteer for a session or two. I have to meet a certain quota of practicum hours- sessions are free until I complete the program on August 31st. Your feedback on our time together would be invaluable to helping me grow and become the best coach possible.


The Most Beautiful, Gut-Wrenching, Extraordinary Honor of My Life.


Life Coach Training- Vulnerability, Emotional Purging & Intuition