New Adventures On The Horizon

It's official; I'M COMING HOME YA'LL!!

Yes, you read that right.  No, this is not an early April Fool's joke.  After four years of living in The Land Down Under, three since I was last able to leave and see my family, I will soon be placing my tootsies on US soil.

For the last fifteen months, my future has been subject to waiting for someone else's decision, and I was mostly content with that waiting because of how deeply my soul feels at home here.  If I'm being transparent, I did have  A LOT of doubt about trying to stay in the country on another temporary visa.  Those nagging doubts now make sense after a profound calling popped up last week.  The catalyst for my sudden change of heart is a life-coaching certification that requires in-person training the first week of March.  While my inner critic isn't comfortable with the term life coach just yet, I know that this is the next right step because of how The Adult Chair has impacted my life.  


The Adult Chair is the podcast, psychology model, and educational platform I frequently credit with single-handedly saving my mental health during the most brutal four years of my life.  Because the podcast is so transformative, Michelle, the creator of the Adult Chair Model, was being inundated with requests for coaches trained in her methods.  These constant requests led her to create a six-month curriculum that teaches others how to coach using her techniques.  Last year was the program's first year, and I'm thrilled to be a part of the 2022 class.  I tell everyone I know about the podcast and her work as it is, so training under her and growing this passion into a meaningful career will be a dream come true. 


Speaking of dreams come true!  The thought of finally getting to hug my parents brings tears to my eyes.  Until this latest Australian odyssey, I'd never gone longer than a year without touching home.  It's been hard on my heart, to say the least.  They've all been tirelessly supportive of me riding out the adventure here, even if that meant I never came home, and I would not have made it through without their love.  Though the excitement will grow as departure nears, I'm equally confident there is a torrent of grief lying in wait for when I bid farewell to my Albany and Perth fam.  It will be interesting to see how those two weighty currents interact and present when the floodgates inevitably open. 


Even though I know this drastic leap will create endless positive ripples, I am bracing for a reverse culture shock adjustment period.  First, there's moving from a COVID-free bubble to, well,  the opposite of that.  Plus, after living in a relatively peaceful, harmonious country for the last four years, I am not looking forward to being immersed in the raging political divide plaguing the US.  Also, let's not forget about mass shootings and general gun violence, something I've gotten very happily used to living without.  I could carry on, but you get the idea.  I'll save all the acculturation observations for another blog post.  No, wait, one more!  TIPPING!  I haven't had to tip a soul for any type of service in FOUR YEARS.  I thought about refusing to eat out ever again, but then I remembered- Mexican food, here I come!! 


This significant deviation happened fast enough to feel exceptionally surreal, but thankfully, I have plenty of time to get my affairs in order without rushing.  Four weeks is plenty of time to sell my car, send a box or two home, hug my people, squeeze in a few more hikes, and bask in Aussie vibes I love so much.  I'll fly out of Perth on the 16th of Feb and, assuming there are no flight delays, land in Tampa 39 hours later.  Yes, you read that right, 39 hours WITHOUT delays.  Then, I will un-jetlag and hide from COVID at Mum & Harv's for the ten days until I leave for my week-long intensive training in North Carolina.  After that, the possibilities are endless!


Unlike past homecomings, I have no intention of letting my inner critic convince me that not residing abroad equates to not worthy of writing.  I promised myself to look at the US with the same open-minded curiosity I so easily tap into on foreign soil.  Not only will I actively seek wonder on my home turf, but I also plan on sharing my journey through the Adult Chair certification.  What better way to spread the love AND build a business than to include you in my learning exploits from day one?!


I'm excited to have purpose again.  I'm excited to be working towards something I'm passionate about and be a part of something that has already created positive change around the world.  But most importantly, I'm so bloody excited to see my friends and family in the flesh.  To laugh while sitting next to them.  To cry while we catch up.  To hug them so often it borders on awkward.  To do absolutely nothing but appreciate being in their presence.  If nothing else goes as I intended, that alone will fill my cup for years to come.

Again, thank you for spending your valuable time reading about my life adventures.  Until next time, I hope some magic and wonder find their way to you today.


Love always,



Life Coach Training- Vulnerability, Emotional Purging & Intuition


5 Lessons I Learned After Moving Across The World For Love